time value of money

英 [taɪm ˈvæljuː ɒv ˈmʌni] 美 [taɪm ˈvæljuː əv ˈmʌni]

网络  金钱的时间值; 货币的时间价值; 资金的时间价值; 货币时间价值; 资金时间价值



  1. Determining the return may involve gross sales, net income, revenue recognition, cash flow, and the time value of money.
  2. For those who would like to extend this to a more sophisticated model, consider adding in depreciation and the time value of money.
  3. It ignores the time value of money& the discount rate.
  4. The book consists of eight sections: The first provides an overview of how business decisions are made, followed by an extensive discussion of calculating the time value of money.
  5. While the book-value calculation is a straightforward way to evaluate a decision, it does not work when you consider the time value of money.
  6. Finance helps you understand how the time value of money works and how various investment vehicles operate.
  7. Understand the time value of money and the mechanics of present value calculations.
  8. Non-discounting methods ignore the time value of money, whereas discounting methods explicitly consider it.
  9. The time value of money exists because of interest rate.
  10. Simple interest does not reflect this time value of money because interest doesn't earn interest.
  11. By combination of theory with practice, the application of the principle of the time value of money to the modern corporate finance is discussed in this paper.
  12. The risk is that RBS has jeopardised more than the time value of money.
  13. Unlike the payback period, the accounting rate of return does consider a project's profitability; like the payback period, it ignores the time value of money.
  14. The Dynamic Lot Size Problem Under Inflation and Time Value of Money
  15. Some of the more sophisticated systems apply the principles of engineering economy to include the time value of money in project decision making.
  16. Under the condition of the socialist market economy, time value of money is the labor reward of currency owner in essence, and it exits there objectively which similarly follows the law of value.
  17. Where the effect of the time value of money is material, the amount of a provision is the present value of the expenditures expected to be required to settle the obligation.
  18. Topics to cover include The Time Value of Money, Net Present Value and other Investment Criteria;
  19. I knew about interest rates and such before I went to business school, but the concept of the time value of money and present values were foriegn to me until I got my MBA.
  20. This paper develops a least cost analysis method which takes into account the advantage of both the time value of money and economic scale.
  21. Companies traditionally ignore the time value of money in the control process of production and selling activities.
  22. Time Value of Money
  23. We must make a further reform so as to embody time value of money, guarantee the fair competition of every enterprise in the market economy.
  24. Whether to consider the time value of money is the basis to distinguish the static and dynamic studies of investment feasibility.
  25. It has great significance to understand time value of money correctly.
  26. On the basis of the concepts of forest-age groups and time value of money, by adopting cost approach and market approach, we get the assets value of ecological forest for public benefit in Qinghai Province.
  27. The effects of inflation and time value of money have been studied by developing an insightful analysis and doing a computational study.
  28. All talking about the concept and calculation of time value of money in a lot of financial management books at present, but they has not involved how the monetary time value was produced.
  29. In the process of different scheme of feasibility analysis, the time value of money is particularly important.
  30. This method can strengthen management, reduce logistics cost is dominant actual costs, also consider the time value of money and risk, reduce the cost of actual record losses, thus has the relative cost saving.